Разработка урока английского языка по теме "Здоровый образ жизни"в 8-9 классах. Урок английского языка здоровый образ жизни
kopilkaurokov.ru Разработка урока английского языка по теме "Здоровый образ жизни"в 8-9 классахПлан- конспект урока № 3 по теме «Здоровый образ жизни» для учащихся 8-9-х классов, работающих по УМК авторов В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа Цели: Дидактические - продолжать активизацию лексики по теме «Здоровый образ жиз- ни» в серии речевых и языковых упражнений; - формировать навыки чтения ( с полным пониманием прочитанного и поискового) и аудирования; - совершенствовать и контролировать навыки практического владения языком в заданной ситуации общения; - активизировать использование грамматического материала (повелительное наклоне- ние, придаточные предложения условия) Развивающие - развитие мыслительных и оценочных навыков в ситуации здорового образа жизни - употребление лексических единиц с учетом сочетаемости слов в соответствии с коммуникативными намерениями. Воспитательные - воспитание бережного отношения к своему здоровью, пропаганда здорового образа жизни. Оборудование урока – интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал, тематические плакаты
Today we’ll speak about good and bad habits. How do they influence our health and our appearance? What does our health depend on? Is it important to care about our health and our appearance? How should we do it? What should we do to keep fit and be healthy?
Look at the blackboard and try to connect the parts of the proverbs! (На доске написаны разделённые на 2 части пословицы, задача учащихся состоит правильном подборе окончания пословицы.)
Let’s say these proverbs and remember them! So, all together!
Let’s check your home task, please. Ex.1, p.103-104 What are your partner’s results? Ask each other and give advice. These sentences may help you. Translate into Russian.
(дают советы и рекомендации друг другу)
а) T : What do you know about good and bad habits? Do the next task, please. Divide into 2 columns: Phrases and words: eating whole meal bread, eating sweets, eating low fibred food, exercising, not keeping diet, physical inactivity, drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs, a healthy diet, sleeping three hours, getting up early, regular meals, having breakfast, playing computer games for a long time. Good Habits Bad Habits в) Your health habits influence your appearance greatly. - Why do these teenagers look pale and tired? Ex 2, p.104 - Which of your suggestions are correct? Listen to check. с) T: So you see that to be healthy you should have only good habits. But do you know the causes of bad health? Now you have to fill in the gaps. You’ll have bad teeth if you……….. You’ll have obesity if you …………. You’ll have a cough if you ………… You’ll have heart disease if you …… You’ll have weakness if you ………. d) Some bad habits are really deadly. How do they influence our health and our appearance? Make up the sentences. Match the beginning of the sentences with their endings. ( индивидуальная работа с карточками ) Smoking … causes slow reactions and loss of memory. Drinking alcohol … makes our teeth yellow and our hair, clothes smell. Taking drugs … they have problems with their hair and skin. If people smoke … causes a cough and headache.
Some teenagers look pale affects the whole family and the and tired because … people around you. makes your brain centres sleep and affects your social controls.
they don’t get enough vitamins and minerals. makes our speech unclear. they have anaemia What are your results?
(слушание с опорой на текст) a) Listen to the text and guess the meaning of the following words: to consult a doctor headache complain of heartache examine rest - cure patient strictly treatment A visit to the doctor Once an old gentleman came to consult a doctor. “What do you complain of?” – asked the doctor. “You see, doctor, my nervous system is in a bad state. I have a heartache, often headache and my sleep isn’t good. Sometimes I cannot sleep all night long.” The doctor examined the patient very carefully and said: “Your treatment will be very simple, is other words it will be a rest-cure. You should go to a quiet place in the village for a month and have an active rest there: get up early, do morning exercises, have breakfast and go for a walk. You should walk much, go to the forest for fresh air, eat much fruit and vegetables and drink milk before going to bed. And you can smoke only one cigarette a day. A month later the gentleman came to see the doctor again. “How are you?”- asked the doctor. “I am quite well now,” –answered the patient – “I’ve done everything that you recommended me, doctor. I strictly followed all your orders. I walked much, ate much fruit and vegetables and drank milk before going to sleep. But one cigarette a day almost killed me.” “But why?” –asked the doctor. “It’s not a joke to begin smoking at my age, I had never smoked before,” –answered the gentleman. b) Listen to the text again and answer the questions. Answer the questions
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
T: I see that you’ve done all the task well and I’d like you to give a piece of advice for those who are anxious about meals. How to remain healthy? What should we do to be fit and healthy? Work in groups to make some rules for people who have health problems. (работают в группах по составлению правил здоровья) Situations for groups: --- your relative looks pale and is overweight --- your friend does not look healthy, he has bad hair and teeth and symptoms of stress P1- Eat more fruit and vegetables. P2- Don’t miss PE lessons. P3- Eat whatever you like, not too much, not too little. P4- Choose chicken meat better. P5- Try to shorten fat products and fast food. P6- Keep a diet to lose weight. P7- Sleep eight hours a day! P 8- Have breakfast every day. P9- Try not to eat much sugar and fat. …..
infourok.ru Конспект урока по теме: "Здоровье и здоровый образ жизни".План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему «Здоровье и здоровый образ жизни» Цели: обобщить и систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Здоровье». Задачи урока: - образовательные: развитие навыков говорения, чтения, произносительных навыков, отработка навыков выполнения заданий в формате ЕГЭ, развитие навыков диалогической речи. - развивающие: повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, развитие навыка языковой догадки, интеллекта, памяти, внимания. - воспитательные: создание условий для формирования ясных представлений школьника о здоровом образе жизни, умения работать в парах, самостоятельно. Ход урока 1. Приветствие и оргмомент. (1 мин) Good afternoon, boys and girls. Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you. By the way, how are you today? 2. Речевая разминка. (2 мин) I’d like to start the lesson with the proverbs. Look at the screen and match the beginnings and the endings of the proverbs. An apple a day / is above wealth Good health / keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Early to bed and early to rise / keeps the doctor away. 3. Объявление целей урока. (1 мин) All these proverbs concern one topic and that is the topic of our lesson today. What is it? What is going to be the topic of our lesson today? (They answer) Right you are. It’s health and keeping fit. Today we’ll revise everything we’ve learnt about health and body care and at the end of the lesson we’ll make the rules how to keep fit. 4. Повторение ЛЕ по теме (болезни). (2-3 мин) Unfortunately a lot of people fall ill every day. Let’s revise the diseases you’ve learnt. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. (Presentation) 5. Задания на заполнение пропусков. Повторение косвенной речи. (7-10 мин) Look at the screen. This is Ann. She is ill. If you fill in the gaps in your activity sheets you’ll learn what the matter with her is. Task 1. Fill in the gaps with the words given below. Yesterday Ann fell … . She had a bad … . It … when she moved. Besides, she was constantly … and … . The doctor came. He listened to her … and … . Then he took Ann’s … . It was rather high. The doctor told Ann to take some … for her cold. _________________________________________________________________ Headache, temperature, ill, hurt, lungs, sneezing, chest, coughing, medicine. _________________________________________________________________ So, we’ve found out that Ann is ill. Her mother loves her very much and tries to encourage her. It is what she said. Report the sentences into indirect speech. Ann’s mother told her, “You will stay in bed till tomorrow.” “Your temperature isn’t very high today.” “We shall go to the doctor in three days.” “The doctor prescribed a very good medicine for you. It will definitely help.” “Don’t worry. You will recover soon.” 6. Развитие навыка диалогической речи. (7-10 мин) Nobody wants to fall ll. And if we fall ill we want to recover as soon as possible. Tell me, please, who comes to us when we are ill? Who helps us to recover? (They answer) Right you are. It’s a doctor. In your activity sheets there is a dialogue between the doctor and the patient. But it’s incomplete. Your task is to complete the dialogue and then to act it out. You are going to work in pairs. Let’s listen to your dialogues. Task 2. Complete the dialogue and role play it. Patient: Oh, Doctor, …………………………. Doctor: I see. Take off your blouse. I would like to listen to your heart and lungs. Patient: Yes, Doctor. And …………………….. Doctor: Have you taken your temperature? Patient: ……………………………………….. Doctor: Don’t worry. Patient: What shall I take for my cold? Doctor: ………………………………………. 7. Развитие навыка работы с текстом. (7 мин) I’ll repeat and I think you’ll agree with me that nobody wants to be ill. Tell me the ways to keep fit. What are the ways to be healthy? (They answer) At home you were to read and to translate the text “Keeping Fit”. Let’s read it and then discuss it. Keeping Fit Good health is not something we are able to buy at the chemist’ and we can’t depend on getting it back with a quick visit to the doctor when we are ill, either. We often ruin our health by poor diet, stress, bad working environment and carelessness. By keeping fit, changing bad habits or the surrounding conditions we can make our body last without major problems. And what are the ways to keep fit? First of all you must miss no chance of outdoor activities as an antidote to our sedentary lives. Skating or skiing in winter and swimming in summer must become part of your everyday life. Second, exercise. You must exercise whenever you can – in the morning or in the evening. Third, regular meals are a must if you want to keep fit. Try to avoid going without any food for hours. Nowadays, health specialists promote the idea of wellness for everybody. Wellness means achieving the best possible health within the limits of your body. One person may need fewer calories than another. Some people might prefer a lot easier exercise to more strenuous exercise. The English people have become very concerned about their health recently. In fact, fitness has become almost a national obsession. In large cities and towns alike people jog regularly, join sports teams and going to health clubs and Fitness Centers to work out. Now prepare to answer my questions. 1) How do we ruin our health? 2) What idea do health specialists promote nowadays? 3) What is wellness? 4) What is a national obsession today? 5) How do people keep fit in big cities? 6) What are the ways to keep fit? 8. Развитие навыка устной речи. (5 мин) Now you know what to do to be healthy and fit. So, you can give advice. Now let’s read the situation in your activity sheets and help the person. B. George Smith smokes 40 cigarettes a day. He gets up late every morning, and drives to a café in the next street. He has a big breakfast and takes three spoons of sugar in his tea. Then he drives to the pub, and has 3 or 4 pints of beer before a big lunch. He never has any fruit after his lunch, because he prefers to have cake or sweets. The only exercise he gets is when he walks upstairs for his afternoon sleep. Later, he has a few more pints of beer and a big dinner, and then he watches television till midnight. At 2.00 he goes to bed, has a few last cigarettes, and goes to sleep with all his windows closed. Let’s sum up the information we’ve learnt. What are the ways to keep fit? (Ученики подводят итог и говорят способы поддерживать себя в форме) 9. Домашнее задание. (1 мин) Right down your homework. At home you’ll write the essay on the topic “How to keep fit”. 10. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок. (1 мин) I liked your work at the lesson. I’ll give an excellent (good, satisfactory) mark to … The lesson is over. This is it. Просмотр содержимого документа «Конспект урока по теме: "Здоровье и здоровый образ жизни". »План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему «Здоровье и здоровый образ жизни» Цели: обобщить и систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Здоровье». Задачи урока: - образовательные: развитие навыков говорения, чтения, произносительных навыков, отработка навыков выполнения заданий в формате ЕГЭ, развитие навыков диалогической речи. - развивающие: повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, развитие навыка языковой догадки, интеллекта, памяти, внимания. - воспитательные: создание условий для формирования ясных представлений школьника о здоровом образе жизни, умения работать в парах, самостоятельно. Ход урока 1. Приветствие и оргмомент. (1 мин) Good afternoon, boys and girls. Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you. By the way, how are you today? 2. Речевая разминка. (2 мин) I’d like to start the lesson with the proverbs. Look at the screen and match the beginnings and the endings of the proverbs. An apple a day / is above wealth Good health / keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Early to bed and early to rise / keeps the doctor away. 3. Объявление целей урока. (1 мин) All these proverbs concern one topic and that is the topic of our lesson today. What is it? What is going to be the topic of our lesson today? (They answer) Right you are. It’s health and keeping fit. Today we’ll revise everything we’ve learnt about health and body care and at the end of the lesson we’ll make the rules how to keep fit. 4. Повторение ЛЕ по теме (болезни). (2-3 мин) Unfortunately a lot of people fall ill every day. Let’s revise the diseases you’ve learnt. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. (Presentation) 5. Задания на заполнение пропусков. Повторение косвенной речи. (7-10 мин) Look at the screen. This is Ann. She is ill. If you fill in the gaps in your activity sheets you’ll learn what the matter with her is. Task 1. Fill in the gaps with the words given below. Yesterday Ann fell … . She had a bad … . It … when she moved. Besides, she was constantly … and … . The doctor came. He listened to her … and … . Then he took Ann’s … . It was rather high. The doctor told Ann to take some … for her cold. _________________________________________________________________ Headache, temperature, ill, hurt, lungs, sneezing, chest, coughing, medicine. _________________________________________________________________ So, we’ve found out that Ann is ill. Her mother loves her very much and tries to encourage her. It is what she said. Report the sentences into indirect speech. Ann’s mother told her, “You will stay in bed till tomorrow.” “Your temperature isn’t very high today.” “We shall go to the doctor in three days.” “The doctor prescribed a very good medicine for you. It will definitely help.” “Don’t worry. You will recover soon.” 6. Развитие навыка диалогической речи. (7-10 мин) Nobody wants to fall ll. And if we fall ill we want to recover as soon as possible. Tell me, please, who comes to us when we are ill? Who helps us to recover? (They answer) Right you are. It’s a doctor. In your activity sheets there is a dialogue between the doctor and the patient. But it’s incomplete. Your task is to complete the dialogue and then to act it out. You are going to work in pairs. Let’s listen to your dialogues. Task 2. Complete the dialogue and role play it. Patient: Oh, Doctor, …………………………. Doctor: I see. Take off your blouse. I would like to listen to your heart and lungs. Patient: Yes, Doctor. And …………………….. Doctor: Have you taken your temperature? Patient: ……………………………………….. Doctor: Don’t worry. Patient: What shall I take for my cold? Doctor: ………………………………………. 7. Развитие навыка работы с текстом. (7 мин) I’ll repeat and I think you’ll agree with me that nobody wants to be ill. Tell me the ways to keep fit. What are the ways to be healthy? (They answer) At home you were to read and to translate the text “Keeping Fit”. Let’s read it and then discuss it. Keeping Fit Good health is not something we are able to buy at the chemist’ and we can’t depend on getting it back with a quick visit to the doctor when we are ill, either. We often ruin our health by poor diet, stress, bad working environment and carelessness. By keeping fit, changing bad habits or the surrounding conditions we can make our body last without major problems. And what are the ways to keep fit? First of all you must miss no chance of outdoor activities as an antidote to our sedentary lives. Skating or skiing in winter and swimming in summer must become part of your everyday life. Second, exercise. You must exercise whenever you can – in the morning or in the evening. Third, regular meals are a must if you want to keep fit. Try to avoid going without any food for hours. Nowadays, health specialists promote the idea of wellness for everybody. Wellness means achieving the best possible health within the limits of your body. One person may need fewer calories than another. Some people might prefer a lot easier exercise to more strenuous exercise. The English people have become very concerned about their health recently. In fact, fitness has become almost a national obsession. In large cities and towns alike people jog regularly, join sports teams and going to health clubs and Fitness Centers to work out. Now prepare to answer my questions. 1) How do we ruin our health? 2) What idea do health specialists promote nowadays? 3) What is wellness? 4) What is a national obsession today? 5) How do people keep fit in big cities? 6) What are the ways to keep fit? 8. Развитие навыка устной речи. (5 мин) Now you know what to do to be healthy and fit. So, you can give advice. Now let’s read the situation in your activity sheets and help the person. B. George Smith smokes 40 cigarettes a day. He gets up late every morning, and drives to a café in the next street. He has a big breakfast and takes three spoons of sugar in his tea. Then he drives to the pub, and has 3 or 4 pints of beer before a big lunch. He never has any fruit after his lunch, because he prefers to have cake or sweets. The only exercise he gets is when he walks upstairs for his afternoon sleep. Later, he has a few more pints of beer and a big dinner, and then he watches television till midnight. At 2.00 he goes to bed, has a few last cigarettes, and goes to sleep with all his windows closed. Let’s sum up the information we’ve learnt. What are the ways to keep fit? (Ученики подводят итог и говорят способы поддерживать себя в форме) 9. Домашнее задание. (1 мин) Right down your homework. At home you’ll write the essay on the topic “How to keep fit”. 10. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок. (1 мин) I liked your work at the lesson. I’ll give an excellent (good, satisfactory) mark to … The lesson is over. This is it. kopilkaurokov.ru Конспект урока+ презентация по теме "Здоровый образ жизни" на английском языке.по учебнику Биболетовой М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубаневой Н.Н. «Enjoy English»: учебник английского языка для 3 класса. . формирование навыков здорового образа жизни . закрепление новых лексических единиц, глагола must. Задачи: образовательная: развитие речевых навыков устной речи - учить понимать на слух текст, построенный на знакомом языковом материале; - учить давать рекомендации, используя модальный глагол must; - учить читать про себя и полностью понимать текст, построенный на знакомом языковом материале. развивающая: развивать воображение, догадку, память, внимание, развивать положительные эмоции и чувства школьников; воспитательная: формирование потребности вести здоровый образ жизни. Формы здоровьесберегающих технологий: физминутки, музыкотерапия (песня), психологическая поддержка, комфортная психологическая среда. Оснащение урока: аудиозаписи, мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, презентация “Good health is above wealth. ”(Microsoft PowerPoint). Ход урока
T.: Good morning, dear children! I’m glad to see you! (Дети здороваются с учителем: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you! Good morning our teacher, we are glad to see you.). Sit down, please.
T.: Look at the blackboard. ( Слайд 2) Послушай и прочитай. 3. T.: Do you like sports? Сегодня у нас не простой урок, в лесной школе – урок здоровья. У нас в школе тоже проводятся уроки здоровья, вспомните, что вы делаете на таких уроках. ( I can play football. I can play tennis. I can walk in the forest. …). Послушайте, как мисс Чэттер начинает урок здоровья. ( Слайд 3) Постарайтесь запомнить и выполнить зарядку вместе с её учениками. Touch your head, touch your nose, Touch your ears, touch your toes, Jump and run! Let’s have fun! Wash your face! Wash your hands! Clean your teeth! Stay healthy, please! Ребята слушают зарядку, а затем выполняют действия и повторяют стихотворение. ( можно выполнять действия под музыку). 4. ( Слайд 4) T.: К нам пришел наш помощник и друг мистер Рул. С объясняется использование глагола must в утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях. 5. ( Слайды 5-6) Закрепление глагола must, употребление глагола в устной речи . T.: Что вы должны делать, чтобы быть здоровыми? Дети читают начала предложений и продолжают их. P1: You must wash your… P2: You must clean your… P3: You must run, … P4: Let’s have fun! P: I think you must… (swim, skip, walk, skate, ski.) 6. T.: Boys and girls, today we have a guest -гость доктор Хелс (“Health”- «здоровье»). ( Слайд 7) Роль доктора можно предложить сыграть одному из учеников класса. Или предложить разыграть диалог. Ребята отвечают на вопросы и подсчитывают баллы. 7. T.: Ну а, чтобы нам быть в форме, давайте сделаем зарядку. ( Слайд 8) Динамическая пауза. (можно спеть под музыку) Head and shoulders, Knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes! Head and shoulders, Knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes! Eyes and ears, and mouth and nose! Head and shoulders, Knees and toes, knees and toes, Knees and toes! Arms and legs, feet and hands, Feet and hands! Arms and legs, feet and hands, Feet and hands! Eyes and ears, and mouth and nose! Arms and legs, feet and hands, Feet and hands. 8. T.: Doctor Health wishes you good health and happiness. Прочитайте его рекомендации, как вы считаете, какие из них самые важные. ( Слайд 9) Обратите внимание на новые слова, отработка чтения слов. Дети читают про себя текст, а затем вслух зачитывают предложения – советы доктора. T.: Thank you very much. Don’t forget it. Работа с текстом продолжается в упр.7, ребята находят слова и предложения, с соответствующими значками. Происходит закрепление лексики урока: глагола must - , г swim, skip, walk, skate, ski, play, jump, eat, drink, wash, clean - every day, in the morning - ( Слайд 10), ( Слайд 11). 9. T.: Послушайте и постарайтесь понять! ( Слайд 12) Британцы и их национальные виды спорта. При наличии времени можно предложить выполнить задания (Слайд 13) всем ученикам, либо сильным учащимся и предложить им озвучить их результаты. T.: Thank you. Very good! .
T.: You can see these some English proverbs. They are connected with the theme of our lesson. (Слайд 14) An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Good health is above wealth. Early to bed, Early to rise - Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Ребята читают пословицы вместе, повторяя за учителем, затем учитель переводит их. Детям предлагается выбрать пословицу, которая им больше понравилась и подходит к теме урока. (Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение). Оценивание работы учащихся. Домашняя работа (Слайд 15) Выучи пословицу о здоровье, которая тебе понравилась. Подбери пословицы о здоровье на русском языке. Назови свой любимый вид спорта. Расскажи, что ты должен делать, чтобы быть здоровым. Thank you. The lesson is over. And don’ forget that “Good Health is Above Wealth”! Good bye! Учебно-методическое обеспечение 1. Биболетова М.З. и др. Enjoy English: учебник английского языка для 3 класса общеобразовательных учреждений (Обнинск: Титул, 2014). 2. Биболетова М.З. и др. Enjoy English: книга для учителя (Обнинск: Титул, 2012). 3. Биболетова М.З. и др. Enjoy English: рабочая тетрадь (Обнинск: Титул, 2014). 3. Биболетова М.З. и др. Enjoy English: аудиокассета (Обнинск: Титул, 2012). 4. Сборник аутентичных песен «Game songs» с аудиокассетой- Обнинск: Титул, 2008г. 5. Авторская программа курса английского языка к УМК «Enjoy English» для учащихся 2-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (Обнинск: Титул, 2012). 6. Журина Т.Ю. Раздаточные материалы по английскому языку (Дрофа: Москва,2010). Интернет-ресурсы: http://www.homeenglish.ru infourok.ru План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку "Здоровый образ жизни"![]() Разделы: Иностранные языки Урок построен таким образом, чтобы содержание урока соответствовало требованиям государственных программ, поставленным целям и задачам, принципам дидактики. Урок начинается с организационного момента, где учащимся сообщается тема урока и проблемные вопросы, которые будут решаться в ходе урока. В ходе фонетической зарядки, отрабатывается произношение изученной лексики. Активизация изученной лексики и использование ее в речи учащихся отрабатывается в заданиях подстановочного характера и в обратном переводе. Аудирование и чтение используется на уроке с целью извлечения информации. В качестве контроля понимания используются упражнения на поиск ответов в тексте на проблемные вопросы, на поиск детальной информации. Для совершенствования знаний грамматического материала и грамматических навыков говорения в ходе урока используются специальные упражнения: на поиск в прочитанных текстах грамматических форм по теме урока (present perfect continuous), обратный перевод, составление диалогов по ситуациям. В ходе урока применяются следующие формы организации познавательной деятельности: фронтальный опрос (обратный перевод, ответы на поставленные вопросы), парная (составление диалогов по ситуациям), индивидуальная (высказывание по проблемным вопросам), групповая форма (защита проектных работ). На протяжении всего урока учитель и учащиеся решают задачи сохранения здоровья, говорят о хороших и вредных привычках, об их влиянии на здоровье и внешность, о способах сохранения здоровья. Задачи урока:
Оснащение: доска, магнитная доска, лексические карточки с названием хороших и вредных для здоровья привычек, проектные работы учащихся по данной теме, раздаточный материал, рисунки, картинки, пословицы по теме, карточки с ситуациями, грамматическая таблица (Present perfect continuous). ХОД УРОКА 1. Оргмомент – Today we’ll speak about good and bad habits.– How do they influence our health and our appearance?– What does our health depend on?– Is it important to care about our health and our appearance? – How should we do it?– What should we do to keep fit and be healthy? 2. Фонетическая зарядка а) care about high fibre food health habits gain weight influence cough deadly pay a lot of attention to… depend on promote convince keep healthy cause affect physical activity b) Give antonyms to the following words and word combinations: Health, activity, high-fat food, more, to gain weight, to eat breakfast, healthy, chaotic lifestyle. 3. Контроль знаний лексического материала, навыков устной речи – There are good and bad health habits. What are they? Match the cards (у доски работают 2 учащихся). healthy diet, do sports, eating sweets, drinking alcohol, obesity, snacking, eating breakfast, smoking, taking drugs, skipping breakfast, exercising, eating high fibre food, physical inactivity, sleeping too much or too little, regular meals, eating wholemeal bread, sleeping 7 or 8 hours, eating low fat food, getting up early Good habits Bad habits – How do they influence our health and our appearance? – What habits have you got more? (Высказывания учащихся) 4. Практикум в обратном переводе a) Translate into English
b) Translate into Russian
5. Some bad habits are really deadly. How do they influence our health and our appearance? Make up the sentences. Match the beginning of the sentences with their endings. Smoking … causes slow reactions and loss of memory. Drinking alcohol … makes our teeth yellow and our hair, clothes smell. Taking drugs … they have problems with their hair and skin. If people smoke … causes a cough and headache. Some teenagers look pale affects the whole family and the people around you. and tired because … makes your brain centres sleep and affects your social controls. they don’t get enough vitamins and minerals. makes our speech unclear. they have anaemia 6. Совершенствование и контроль навыков аудирования, говорения a) Listen to the text and guess the meaning of the following words: to consult a doctor headache complain of heartache examine rest-cure patient strictly treatment A visit to the doctor Once an old gentleman came to consult a doctor. “What do you complain of?” – asked the doctor. “You see, doctor, my nervous system is in a bad state. I have a heartache, often headache and my sleep isn’t good. Sometimes I cannot sleep all night long.” The doctor examined the patient very carefully and said: “Your treatment will be very simple, is other words it will be a rest-cure. You should go to a quiet place in the village for a month and have an active rest there: get up early, do morning exercises, have breakfast and go for a walk. You should walk much, go to the forest for fresh air, eat much fruit and vegetables and drink milk before going to bed. And you can smoke only one cigarette a day. A month later the gentleman came to see the doctor again. “How are you?”– asked the doctor. “I am quite well now,” –answered the patient – “I’ve done everything that you recommended me, doctor. I strictly followed all your orders. I walked much, ate much fruit and vegetables and drank milk before going to sleep. But one cigarette a day almost killed me.” “But why?” –asked the doctor. “It’s not a joke to begin smoking at my age, I had never smoked before,” –answered the gentleman. b) Listen o the text again and answer the questions. Answer the questions:
с) Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
– How to remain healthy? What should we do to be fit and healthy? (Высказывания учащихся) 7. Совершенствование и контроль навыков чтения, устной речи Ex.V p.193, 194. (учебник английского языка “Happy English – 4” , автор В.П. Кузовлев) a) Read the texts and discuss them b) Who of the teenagers says the following? 1. Who thinks it is very important to be fit and healthy and look nice. (Helen) 2. “I live only once, so why not enjoy myself?” (Bob) 0. People are free to decide if they want to be healthy. (Kate) 1. It is impossible to change. You are what you are. (Bob) 2. Who likes to have different people with different likes and dislikes? (Kate) 3. Who pays a lot of attention to his/her health? (Helen) 4. “Why should I give up tasty things?” (Bob) 5. “I don’t want to have unhealthy skin and teeth.” (Helen) c) Answer the questions 1. What is Helen’s attitude towards her health? 2. Helen agrees that some firms do not employ people who are smokers. Why? 3. What does she think about her future? 4. What problems does Bob have? 5. What health sins has he got? 6. What is he afraid of? 7. Does he want to change anything? 8. What is more important for Kate: her health or her appearance? 9. Does she pay a lot of attention to her friends’ health habits? Why? 10. What does she like in her friends? 8. Совершенствование и контроль навыков устной речи. – What is your attitude towards health? (Высказывания учащихся) 9. Совершенствование грамматических навыков говорения а) Find the answer to the following question in the texts: What have the teenagers been doing to keep fit and to be healthy? Helen has been doing aerobics for a year. Dennis has been exercising all his life. What about Bob? What has he been doing since he was 12? Bob has been smoking since he was 12. b) Translate into English: 1. Я не курю с прошлого года. 2. Моя подруга ест только низкокалорийную пищу 4 месяца. 3. Максим занимается спортом с 9 лет. 4. Я принимаю Coldrex 2 дня. 5. Она пользуется зубной пастой Colgate долгое время. 6. Я не ем слишком много сладкого. 10. Практикум в диалогической речи – There are situations. Make up the dialogues. Let’s make compliments to each other. (Карточки с ситуациями) 1. You meet your friend. She looks slim. You make a compliment. She expresses her thanks and expresses reasons. 2. You meet your friend. His hair doesn’t smell. You make a compliment. He expresses his thanks and expresses his reasons. 3. You meet your friend. She looks great. You make a compliment. She expresses her thanks and reasons. 4. You meet your friend. She looks great. Her teeth are white and look strong. You make a compliment. She expresses her thanks and reasons. 5. You meet your friend. He has lost weight. You make a compliment. He expresses his thanks and reasons. 11. Подведение итогов урока xn--i1abbnckbmcl9fb.xn--p1ai "ЗОЖ. Здоровье и уход за телом"Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 4 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов имени Г. К. Жукова Московская область, г. о. Краснознаменск, ул. Генерала Шлыкова 10 Городской конкурс профессионального мастерства «Мой лучший урок» Учебный предмет: Английский язык Класс: 5 класс Тема: «Здоровый образ жизни» Выполнила : Новоженина Елена Александровна Учитель английского языка 1-ая категория г.о. Краснознаменск, 2016 Тип урока: Комбинированный. Урок обобщения и систематизации предметных знаний, умений, навыков. Форма проведения урока: урок - защита проектов. Цели: Систематизация предметных знаний, умений, навыков, универсальных учебных действий. Умение сформулировать обобщенный вывод, уровень сформированности универсальных учебных действий. Развивающий аспект:
Воспитательный аспект: Учебный аспект:
Образовательный аспект: Методы: словесный, наглядно – иллюстративный, тренировка, применение, контроль, метод проекта. Оборудование и оснащение урока:
Формирование УУД: Регулятивные УУД: - принимать и сохранять цели и задачи учебной деятельности, поиска средств ее осуществления; - адекватно оценивать правильность или ошибочность выполнения учебной задачи, ее объективную трудность и собственные возможности ее решения; - осуществлять взаимный контроль в совместной деятельности; адекватно оценивать собственное поведение и поведение окружающих. Познавательные УУД: - использование различных способов поиска; - владеть логическими действиями сравнения, обобщения; Коммуникативные УУД: - активно использовать речевые средства для решения коммуникативных и познавательных задач; - слушать собеседника и вести диалог, излагать свое мнение и аргументировать свою точку зрения и оценки событий, беседовать о себе, своих планах; - участвовать в обсуждении проблем в связи прослушанным текстом, выражая свое мнение. Обучающийся получит возможность научиться: - развивать коммуникативную компетенцию, включая умение взаимодействовать с окружающими, выполняя разные социальные роли; - развивать исследовательские учебные действия; - воспринимать и терпимо относиться к другой точке зрения; - осуществлять регулятивные действия самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке. Основы учебно-исследовательской и проектной деятельности Обучающийся научится: - распознавать и ставить вопросы, ответы на которые могут быть получены путём научного исследования, отбирать методы исследования, формулировать вытекающие выводы; - ясно, логично и точно излагать свою точку зрения; - отличать факты от суждений, мнений и оценок. Обучающийся получит возможность научиться: - самостоятельно задумывать, планировать и выполнять учебный проект; - осознавать свою ответственность за достоверность полученных знаний, за качество выполненного проекта; Ход урока “Health and body care”
T: – Good morning, everybody! I’m very glad to see you. How are you? P1: – I’m fine, thanks. And how are you? T: – I’m fine too. Thank you. T: – Look at the screen and think what we are going to speak about. Yes, you are right. Today we’ll speak on the topic “Health and body care”. We are going to discuss our lifestyle and the ways of taking care about our healthy. At the lesson you are going to speak o lot, using lexical and grammar material; to listen to an audio text and to discuss it, to show your presentations and to check your knowledge on the topic. You are going to work in small groups. I wish you good luck. б). Фонетическая зарядка. You’ll agree that our health is in our own hands. Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: The ‘first ‘wealth is health. “Health is the best wealth”. These words will be a motto of today’s lesson. But there are a lot of other proverbs about health. Look at the screen and finish the proverbs.
Now look at the blackboard. You should answer the questions. The key-word is the topic of our lesson. I'll ask you the questions and you should answer it.
2. Who works at the pharmacy? (chemist) 3. Look at the picture. What kind of sport is it? (athletics) 4. The illness when you have high temperature. (flu) 5. Who works at hospital? (doctors)
T: The question is that our life is so dynamic that sometimes we don’t have any time to have regular meals, to do exercises regularly, to sleep enough. As a result people have serious problems with their health. Let’s speak about our habits. What should or shouldn’t we do to be healthy?
2). Развитие навыков аудирования по теме. T: - Of course all people should follow healthy lifestyle. Now you are going to listen to the text about Max and his lifestyle. На дотекстовом этапе учитель вводит незнакомые слова: get hungry=want to eat; cabbage; peas; rye bread; public places=places with a lot of people; to receive guests=to have guests at home. Далее, на текстовом этапе, учащиеся слушают текст два раза, находят ответы на поставленные вопросы. На послетекстовом этапе проверяется правильность выполнения, проходит обсуждение текста. Текст для аудирования Hello. My name is Max. Not long ago I decided to lead healthy life. Let me tell you something about it. I don’t get up very early but I begin my day with exercises. I go out and run about my house twenty times. Then I get hungry and have breakfast. I have a big glass of orange juice and then a cup of tea. At about one I have my lunch. At lunch I eat a lot of vegetables: cabbage, carrots, peas, fresh cucumbers, a piece of rye bread and a cup of tea without sugar, of course. Sometimes I don’t have any lunch, but it is not healthy at all. It happens when I’m busy in the city. I don’t like to have meals in public places. I sometimes have dinner in the evening when I’m hungry or when I have guests at home. I don’t like to receive guests because we usually eat a lot of meat and fish and other heavy things which don’t help you to be fit. My motto is: “Eat to live, but not live to eat”. Questions:
3). Релаксирующая пауза. Песня “If you’re happy and you know it…”.Учащиеся исполняют песню и делают ряд физических упражнений, о которых речь идет в песни. 4). Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме, умения делать презентацию творческих проектов. А). «Интервью». T: I think you will agree with me if a person wants to be healthy he should have healthy habits. I suppose it will be interesting to ask our guests about their habits. Take question lists and interview teachers, after that Olga and Sasha will combine the facts and make a report. (Учащиеся опрашивают уч-ся другой подгруппы – 10 человек) Survey: “What is your lifestyle?” Instruction: Answer the questions.
T.: While the girls are interviewing our teachers, I think it will be interesting for you to learn our students’ attitude towards their health. Julia, tell us about our results. (Ученица делает выводы об отношении к здоровью учеников 5 класса). P.: According to a survey the pupils of our form take enough care about their health. The majority of us don’t skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast is bad for young people; is it easy only for one pupil to get up early. Majority of us has lifestyle; but there is a good thing. All pupils of the group do morning exercising at school. T.: And now it’s time to see what our results are. (Эксперты сообщают результаты анкетирования): P.: According to a survey the teachers take care/do not take care about their health. _0_ teachers skip breakfast; _10_ teachers do morning exercising; is it easy for_9_ teachers to get up early; Majority of you have chaotic lifestyle. And they take care about their health. They can be an example for your pupils.
Б). Просмотр фильма «Спорт британских школьников». Далее учитель задает ряд вопросов учащимся, которые оставались на местах. T.: Do they go in for sports? Do they attend PT lessons? Do they like to swim in the school swimming pool? How often do they go to the gym? T.: You see that it is very difficult to follow healthy lifestyle. But do not forget “Health is the best wealth”. And what can help you to be healthy? Of course, school. Only at school you do morning exercising, go in for sports three times a week, and have a balanced diet. Let’s listen to this group of students. (Ученики рассказывают о занятиях спортом в школе). Презентация: Sports in our school. P.: As for me, I want to tell you about sports in our school. We pay great attention to sports in the school. We have PT three times a week and we enjoy our lessons very much. The lessons are held in a small gym and in the sports ground. At the lessons we run, jump and play sport games. We are crazy about volleyball and basketball. The girls are excellent runners. In my opinion every person should go in for sports because it helps people to be strong and healthy. T.: But not only sport helps us to be healthy. A meal is very important too. Let’s listen to the second group. (Ученики рассказывает о питании, о школьной столовой). Презентация: Our school canteen. P.: I d like to tell you about our school canteen. In order to stay healthy it is important to have a balanced diet. You find lots of food: meat, fish, nuts, cheese and milk. It helps your body grow and be healthy and it gives you energy. Fat gives you energy too, but don’t eat a lot – it is bad for you. Bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables give us energy. A school cooker takes care about our balanced diet. All children have breakfast and many children of our school have dinner in our canteen. We like such dishes as borsch, salads, pancakes and tea with vitamins. T.: Do you have lunch/ dinner in the school canteen? What dishes do you like most of all? Do you like sweets? What do you prefer: sweets or fruit and vegetables? Do you like cola? And what about fast food: hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken MC Negus? I’d like to listen to your opinion about fast food restaurants. Презентация: Say “NO” to fast food! P1: We like to speak a few words about fart food. As we can see, a lot of people like fast food. Nowadays people are so busy, as they have no time to cook. Most of them prefer to have breakfast, lunch or supper in fast food restaurants. Children also like fast food very much. But nobody thinks that fast food is junk food. It’s very bad for our health. This food is very fat, it has many calories, and there are no vitamins in it. People who often have meals in fast food restaurants are often overweight. We advise you not to eat fast food, if you want to be healthy and fit. Take care of yourselves. T.: Do you agree with their opinion? Do you like fast food? Is it tasty? How often do you visit Mc Donald’s, KFC?
В). Контроль усвоения материала по теме. (Feed-back) T.: To make the conclusion of the lesson, you are to do the test “Rules to remember”. Учащиеся получают карточки с тестами. В течение 3 минут выполняют задание. FINAL TEST Task: Fill in the missing words.
Далее ученики обмениваются тестами и проверяют ответы. На экране дается ключ. Развивается навык взаимоконтроля.
Подведение итогов урока. T: What new information have you learnt at our lesson? Рефлексия. T: What did you like most of all? What was difficult for you? What skills need training? Домашнее задание. 9 multiurok.ru
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